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Tree Removal Safety Tips For Spring

The warmer weather of spring usually brings homeowners outside to perform exterior spring cleaning. Spring time is an excellent season to remove dead growth from perennials, bush and trees. The harsh months of winter, however, can necessitate complete tree removal of dying or diseased trees or when trees have become partially uprooted because of floods. Removing a tree is dangerous work,...

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2016 Landscape Trends


With a new year comes new trends, and landscape is no exception. Check out our list of the biggest landscape trends for 2016. Landscape for Health: Scientific studies have consistently proven that trees, flowers, plants, birds and nature overall, increase health and wellness for self, society and the planet. Plants are clean air filters, oxygen machines and wellness prescriptions. Trees absorb 1/5 of carbon...

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How To: Use Your Outdoor Space For Holiday Entertaining

Are you planning on organizing parties and gatherings for your friends, relatives, and office colleagues in this holiday season? Read ahead for some interesting tips that will help you incorporate your home's outdoor space in your party plans. Create a Landscaped Outdoor Space: Landscaping can transform an ordinary backyard into a cool and classy extension of your stylishly-designed home. A well-maintained landscaped garden...

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The Importance of Snow & Ice Management

When you own or manage a property, commercial snow and ice management is essential during the winter months. The Ohio Valley Group has the equipment and expertise to do the job correctly, each and every time. Safety. Winter weather conditions can cause safety issues. You do not want your customers or employees to slip and fall on icy sidewalks. Driveways and parking lots...

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